Boi conveniently sitting on my newly bought 2nd-hand couch I got from Mason.

Boi carrying my couch through the commuter.

My pig door rug/mat which Boi got me.

Us in Tennjinbashi.. errr, I think that is what it is called anyway.
He left Japan at 8am today. Seriously, I never felt so sad in a parting before, and today I felt it tearing into me. All throughout my life, I was the one leaving, maybe that is why partings were never sad for me.... until now. In my secondary school years, I was the one that left behind my friends and my bf-then to go NZ. In the past, I was always the one traveling to visit my sister, my friends, and then I leave after my holiday...And then for this Japan trip, I was the one who left my comfortable-zone behind as I yearn to experience more, to see more, to travel more... I left him behind.
Yes, I cried as we ate breakfast in the airport. Yes, I cried when we hugged and kissed goodbye. Yes, I cried as I make my way up to the observatory deck and waved at the airplane he was on. Yes, I cried on my train home all alone, scaring every damn Japanese sitting near me. Yes, I am crying now as I type this... And I always thought I was emotionally strong, dismissive and dominant in a relationship. If I could change this feeling, it would be this. I can't describe it.
Looking back in the past month:
He arrived as a surprise on the 26th August Sunday.
We spent nearly a month together. He meets me for lunch at 12. Most of the time, meets me for my evening breaks at 7, and when I reached home, he will try to have cooked a great simple meal...
And then I was posted to Fukuoka (down south from Osaka) -- He shifted with me, settled me nicely again in my new home for the next 3 months....He waited for me in McDees below my office to go for lunch together, he meet me after work to take a walk around the city before going home...
Then he was to leave on Tuesday (18th Sept) but he missed his flight, even after we ran, luggage and all to the check-in counter -- frankly speaking, I never experience anyone who misses a flight before when I send them off. So my heart beat stopped for 10 minutes before he sorted out everything with reasonable costs...
So his next flight is on Sunday (23rd Sept. i.e. TODAY!!!!)....
During his stay here, we fought, we argued, we forgave, we shopped, we had fun, we watched Japanese movie (Sukiyaki Western), we ate by the river, we watch fishes swim in the river, we checked chicks out, we didn't check guys out as there weren't any, we cycled tandem, we talked about our ideas for our Cafe, we paid extra for good French coffee and not Jap can coffee sold in convenient stores, we walked endless of miles, sweat and still laugh about it.
We even took an unclaimed nice black umbrella on the train only to lose it in a Chinese restaurant few hours later --
Lesson to be learnt: What is not yours will NEVER be yours despite you may have possession of it for the briefest moments.
Here are some pictures, this entry is for you. Have a safe flight back to Christchurch. Love u!