today i saw the hungary man (the first i have ever came across in my whole entire life) again.... i remembered him well... not because he was anything particularly good looking, nor was he one of those that has a face that lightens up your life in that very moment he looks at you..
i remembered him because he got a divorce over the public phone with his wife in the student union hall where every bit of his conversation was overheard by passerbys... THAT was how i remembered him at first.
i also remembered him from his usual way of bringing fried rice into the lecture halls, chomping it down for dinner during our 7pm lecture times. the smell of his food... THAT was how i remembered him.
That was nearly 4 years ago.. it is wierd how i never said "hi" to him despite the fact that we both see each other around uni so many times.
Imagine the amount of people, or perhaps i should say "friends", we would have gotten to know if we could only have taken a moment to stop in life, and wish those we always see but never bothered a single friendly gesture.
Yet, as i look at the hungary man, i feel a sense of pity. not because i have never gotten to know him... no, not really... but the fact that through him, i have realised how much we have lost because of our non-initiation to say a simple "hi" that could have changed many lives.