Sunday, October 18, 2009

Giv' me the curls, giv' me, oh giv' me, oh giv' me the curls~

It all started from LN. She mentioned they were giving out free perms to short-haired females in Reuben Blades so that the hairdressing students can pass their assessments. She was going, and heck why not I go along too? I have never seen myself in permed short hair anyway.

Truthfully, I had a shock when the perm was done as it looked so ...wet and stringy....and realllllyy curly.. then I told myself if it is ugly, I shall at least pass it off as "stylish". So I squared up my shoulders, bought myself a takeaway latte and marched back to my office.

It is a "hate it", "like it", "love it" or "get used to it" kinda deal. For me, it was more like a "get used to it" and hopefully it will turn into a "like it" asap.

Boi's first remark "Who are you???"